14-16/05 – Pint of Science international festival – first time in Russia
Discussing the latest scientific researches with the best experts of the country is now possible in a bar! Between May 14 and 16 Russia will for the first time host the Pint of Science international festival.
Would you like to learn about gastronomic practices as a tool of totalitarian domination in Soviet Russia? Speak about neuromarketing, advantages of stress, quantum electro dynamics, and applied DNA science? Debate on engineering optimism and paternalism? Joint the Pint of Science!
Unique speakers, informal ambience and a gulp of science with a pinch of stardust.
Five bars in Saint Petersburg will host the festival: Dead Poets, O,Sport! 2.0 bar, Treska cultural resto-bar, Jawsspot SPB, and Union Bar.
The leading scientists from National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, ITMO University, and European University at St.Petersburg, including Tatyana May, Daniil Alexandrov, Yurii Berezkin, and Stephen J. O’Brien will speak before the audience.
Buy tickets to the festival and view the complete list of participants at: https://www.pintofscience.ru/sankt-peterburg-program
Details are here