
Business Name: Rostelecom
Business Genre:
Business Phone Number: +7 (499) 999-82-83
Business Fax: +7 (499) 999-82-22
Business Address: 30 (building 1), Goncharnaya st., Moscow, Russia, 115172
Business Description:

Rostelecom is Russia’s largest provider of digital services and solutions with presence in all market segments, passing through millions of Russian households, governmental and private organizations.

Activities: The company is an unrivalled leader in the Russian broadband access market and PayTV market .The Company continues development of digital solutions for Smart Home, On-line Education, Telemedicine, and other services.

Rostelecom is an unquestionable leader on the market of telecommunications services provided to the Russian governmental and corporate customers of all levels.
Products/Services: Rostelecom is a widely recognized technology leader offering innovative solutions in e-government, cybersecurity, DC and cloud computing services, biometrics, healthcare, education, housing and utilities services.
Contacts: Marina Suhih, director of External Communications, 8 (812) 719-90-14,