Baltika Breweries, part of the Carlsberg Group

Baltika Breweries, part of the Carlsberg Group
Business Name: Baltika Breweries, part of the Carlsberg Group
Business Genre:
Business Phone Number: 8-800-333-33-03, +7 (812) 325-93-25
Business Address: 3, 6-Verkhny pereulok, 194292, St. Petersburg.
Business Description:

Today Baltika company, part of the Carlsberg Group, is:

a significant part of the Carlsberg Group and its Eastern Europe region, which also includes Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine;

more than 40 regional and national brands of beer (including the line of varieties Baltika, Tuborg, Zatecky Gus, Carlsberg), and 8 non-beer brands;

brew factories in 8 cities of Russia: Voronezh, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, St. Petersburg, Tula, Khabarovsk, Yaroslavl;

more than 9,500 employees (average number in 2020);

the largest Russian exporter of products, which are represented in more than 75 countries of the world.

Activities: Baltika is one of the largest manufacturers of consumer goods in Russia. The breweries of the company are located in 8 cities across Russia: St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Tula, Voronezh, Samara, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don and Khabarovsk. The company is the largest Russian exporter of products, which are represented in 75 countries of the world.
Products/Services: More than 40 regional and national brands of beer (including product range of varieties Baltika, Tuborg, Zatecky Gus, Carlsberg), and also as 8 non-beer brands.
Contacts: Olga Nikolaeva
GR manager
Tel: +7 (812) 7033625, ext. 3625
Dir: +7 (960) 279 61 90