
Business Name: Nikoliers
Business Genre:
Business Phone Number: +7-812-316-3618
Business Address: 3, Volynsky Lane, Northern Capital BC, Saint-Petersburg 191186, Russia
Business Description:

Nikoliers is Russian leading full-cycle consulting company in the segment of commercial and residential real estate. The company began its activities in Russia in 1994 as a representative of the international brand Colliers

Products/Services: With an enterprising culture and significant employee ownership, Nikoliers professionals provide a full range of services to real estate occupiers, owners and investors worldwide. Services include strategic advice and execution for property sales, leasing and finance; global corporate solutions; property, facility and project management; workplace solutions; appraisal, valuation and tax consulting; customized research; and thought leadership consulting.
Contacts: Nikolay Kazanskiy
Managing Partner, Russia
Direct: +7 495 258 51 51
Andrey Kosarev
Managing Director, Saint-Petersburg
Direct: +7 812 718 3618