Siemens Gas Turbine Technologies

Siemens Gas Turbine Technologies
Business Name: Siemens Gas Turbine Technologies
Business Genre:
Business Phone Number: +7 (812) 643 73 00
Business Address: Siemens street 1, (territory of the southern part of Gorelovo industrial park), Lomonosovsky district, Leningrad region, the Russian Federation, 188508
Business Description:

OOO Siemens Gas Turbine Technologies (SGTT) is a joint venture of Siemens AG (65 %) and PAO Power Machines (35%), an energy hub located in the Leningrad region.

Activities: SGTT business areas include production of Siemens large gas turbines, package supply of gas turbine and combined cycle equipment for power units, execution of projects at power plants (supervision and commissioning), gas turbine design engineering, as well as maintenance and modernization of gas turbines with a power output of more than 60 MW for the Russian and CIS markets. Since 2019 the SGTT Production Complex has assembled Nacelles for wind turbines with a power output of 3.4 MW under the contract with Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy.
Contacts: Ekaterina Bolotnikova, head of corporate communications, +7 (981) 820 11 56