Lubimy Kray

Lubimy Kray
Business Name: Lubimy Kray
Business Genre:
Business Phone Number: +7 (812) 385-48-52
Business Fax: +7 (812) 385-48-53
Business Address: 188508, Russia, Leningrad region., Lomonosov district, Villozskoe rural settlement, North of the industrial zone, Volkhonskoye highway Quarter IV «Gorelovo”, 3
Business Description:

Confectionery Association “Favorite Country” was established in 1999 and is the largest company in the North-West of Russia, specializing in the production of biscuits and cakes.

“Favorite Country” – the leader of the Russian market of oatmeal cookies. Brand “Posidelkino” – brand №1 oatmeal cookies in Russia as in knowledge, so the consumption and purchase*

*Research TNC 2017

Products/Services: The company manufactures and sells cookies and cakes under the trademarks “Posidelkino”, “Gingerbread mood”, “Grab on!”, “For the future!” and others.